Monday, November 10, 2008

So, here's a new pic of my boyfriend!

Or, as some friends like to call him, my stalkee. God I love him. Look at him. He's utterly gorgeous. My hubby likes to call him a mongoloid. He's so rude isn't he? I think its just the jealousy.

Anyway! Meet Michael Irby. Star of The Unit on CBS Sunday nights at 10pm. You all watch right?

He also appears nightly in my dreams. Ooh la la! And he's my muse of course, inspiring me to write not just one, but two, count them - TWO - fan fics. Which (natch) were very well received.

Isn't he gorgeous? Fun trivia fact: his birthday is the day before my husband's. Hey, what can I say, I love Scorpios!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

So, I forgot my Anniversary today!

Yep. How embarassing!! I came home about 40 mins ago and saw a card for me on the table. Oops! Now, the funny thing about this is that I was just telling my girlfriend about how I booked my wedding place 2 years before my actual wedding!!!!

See, hubby and I were talking marriage in the fall of 1998. We planned on getting engaged spring of 1999 and then the wedding in fall of 2000. Well, my mom went to the reception place for a holiday party, fell in love with the place and called me immediately. I agreed we needed to check it out, so we went to a Bridal show a few weeks later. Well, we completely fell in love with the place!!!

So, natually, one of the banquet managers took us upstairs to talk prices. We were talking about dates and I said not until November of 2000. He opens his calendar and tells me there were only 2 Sundays left in November!!!! He said he would need a $500 deposit to hold the date. I turned to look at my mother and she whips out her checkbook. Ta-dah!

Now, the kicker was, we didn't tell Hubby. I didn't want to freak him out. So for the next 8 months or so I played the dutiful bride to be who couldn't find a wedding place. Every single time we went out for dinner, I asked for a wedding package and kept up nonstop wedding chatter about different places.

Finally, after getting the ring, I told Hubby that I wanted to get married at X place on such and such day. So we called my mother and the following conversation took place:

Me (with hubby sitting right next to me): Hi Mom & Dad! We decided to get married at _______________! We are so excited! But we really want November 5th so can you go down and book it right away?

Mom: Wonderful! How exciting! Yes, we can go down this week and book it, no problem!
My Father: Didn't we do this already? Didn't we book it last year?
Mom: Shut up Mxxxx! Get off the phone!

Me: Great, thank you so much, we can't wait to start planning! Talk to you soon!
My Father: What's going on here? What are you talking about? We did this last November!
Mom: Bye!!

So then I "had" to run out to get ciggarettes and called my mom from the pay phone. We were hysterical laughing, and my dad is in the background complaining about how we were crazy, etc.

Now, the best part? Everyone of my friends knew about this EXCEPT my husband. He had not one clue until about 3 years or so ago. We were watching tv and a blurb for Dr. Phil came on about honesty in relationships. I turned to hubby and said, oh, I should tell you something. He was like what the fuck?

I said, I should have told you this before we got married, I'm so sorry I didn't, can you ever forgive me? He was so white as a ghost!! He kept saying, what, just say it, what? So I told him. About booking the ____________ 8 months before we got engaged!

He didn't find it as humorous as I did!!!!!

Happy Anniversary sweetie, I love you!

The latest annoying thing in my life

is that my inlaws have found me on So my brother in law, his wife and the 16 year old sister in law are all on my Friends list now. The only way it could be worse, was if my computer illiterate mil figured out how to use a computer. I like Facebook, don't get me wrong. I think its a cute way to keep in touch with friends, find old friends, cute games, etc etc. BUT, its dangerous when you want to talk shit about your inlaws. So, in the spirit of bitchiness, all comments and pointless stories (including pictures of cheezy ass Christmas presents) will be kept to this site.

My current petty issue right now: So it was Bride SIL's birthday yesterday. Teen SIL wished her a HB on her wall and called her "Sis". Gag me. Then, Bride SIL wrote back to Teen SIL and called her "Sis". Gag me with a fucking spoon.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A few choice moments

Totally forgot to finish this post! Ok, so a few choice moments from our trip to the inlaws last month. Yes, its November already. I must make am effort to keep up to date with my blog. Sorry!

After a particularly long praise Jesus pre lunch speech, hubby's cousin made the funniest comment. I had to bite my tongue to keep from responding. They were talking about a cousin that neither had seen in such a long time. Cousin told Hubby that once Cousin X became a 7th Day Adventist, all he talked about what was his religion, how it was the one true religion, etc etc. Cousin said how annoying that was! I rolled my eyes and stuffed another slice of turkey in my mouth.

Um, hello? Pot? Meet Kettle. YOU and your family do the same fucking thing, just with another religion!! Then, not 3 minutes later, I shit you not, his wife pissed me off royally. Someone passed a plate of cold cuts past me and I said to my husband, oh the ham looks good. WELL, you would have thought I raised the Old Testament up in the air and screamed down with the Christians. She says (loudly) YOUR'E JEWISH! YOU CAN'T EAT HAM!!!!!!!

Complete silence at the table. Lov-ely, no? Good thing I am so polite, I just graciously smiled. HA. Ooooh, god my skin is boiling now just thinking about it.

Ok. So then the boys go practice target shooting - totally totally funny as Junior shot better then hubby and hubby's brother. Must be because he's a ham eating Jew!

MIL and SFIL went out to the gas station to return a melted tub of ice cream. (No clue people)So I was left alone with my 2 sister in laws. I sat in the living room doing crossword puzzles until they decided to make a nice cup of tea. We had NOTHING to discuss. Boring!

Then we went to The Grand Canyon of PA. OMG. Totally hysterical side point - some, well a lot, of NJ Harley Riders were there. I wanted to go hang out with them instead. There was a maple sugar stand there and VT sil went bonkers buying maple sugar cotton candy, salad dressing, ice cream, tea, etc.

This morning, I mentioned maple something and Junior threw his hands in the air and says why does she always get so excited about maple stuff, who cares. I asked him who he was talking about and he said Aunt X! I was dying!

Ok, then Saturday night, bil started a bonfire. Because that's what they do for fun in the country. Either that or tip cows, and they don't have cows, so they did a bonfire. I let Junior cook 2 marshmallows and then took him to our "cottage" for bed. Hubby said to me, oh, put him down and then come back. (It was like 8pm) I just cracked up and said no thanks.

The next day was Sunday. Hubby says oh, we will leave to drive home at noon so we can spend the morning with my family. I tell him, everyone will go to church so we should be ready to leave at 9am. He's like, no, no they won't. Guess who was right? We took a group pic on the stairs, and then they all caravanned to Church and we left. Thank GOD! Or whoever lives up there!

Hopefully I don't have to do that again for another 5 years.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Jew goes to Pennsylvania

Not to be confused with A Tree grows in Brooklyn. So we just got back today from our uneventful weekend with the inlaws. Now, before I start, let me stress that I am not blessed with brevity so put the kids to bed, feed the hubby and make yourself a strong drink.

Back? Ok, good. Let's start with lunch on Friday. We stopped about 1.5 hours from the inlaws at a Denny's for lunch. I ordered soup and a salad. The soup was white clam chowder. First of all, Gordon Ramsay would have had a heart attack when he saw how the bowl looked! Nobody cleaned up the rims! Gordon SCREAMS at the chefs about that at least 2 times an episode. Ok, I can get over that, but the soup? Um. Chowder? Nope. It was white water with like 3 peas and a chunk of carrot in it. It.Was.Horrible. Then I get a nice salad with grilled chicken. I had asked for blue cheese dressing on the side. It came in a small bowl, spilling out and over the side. Fine, fine, I was at Denny's not the Four Seasons as my hubby kept telling me. But, the blue cheese dressing had specks in it. Little black specs. I had no clue what they were, and it certainly didn't taste like blue cheese dressing.

Suffice to say, I ain't eating at Denny's anymore. However, Junior did like the little packet of blue sugar crystals that turned his water blue. Cute.

More later.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Bullshit is starting already.

So, we just walked in the door from dinner with my parents. We are packing for the weekend trip to hell. You should see the snacks I packed!! Anyway, my brother in law calls my husband to tell him that he and his wife (remember, they are the newlyweds) don't want to go to Corning on Saturday. So I'm like, wtf, they plan on staying at the house on sat? Yep. They plan on hanging out all freaking day at my mother in law's house. I flat out told my husband there was no way in hell I was spending the entire day at the house with them.

I don't spend entire days at my house, why would I want to do it on a trip? It's freaking pathetic. My husband is like, oh we can just hang out at my mother's house with them. I refuse. I told him this months ago, I was promised we would go out and do something.

He just came over here to put me on the phone with his mother. To talk about the grand canyon of pennsylvania. It's a gorge. Big whoop. With a zoo. I bet there's 5 animals tops.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Forgot to tell you!

Guess where I'm going this Friday? For 3 days. Yep. East bumble fuck to spend the weekend with the inlaws from hell. Why? I don't know. My husband is off for 3 days and his mother has planned a LastName family reunion. Keep in mind she's not even a LastName anymore!! She divorced hubby's father like 20 years ago and remarried the evil amish man, so she's a DifferentLastName now. So is their 16 yo daughter. And she invited great Aunt Biddy from NY. Now Aunt Biddy isn't even a LastName anymore either people!!! Her LastName husband died about 40 years ago and she married and has since buried AnotherLastName. So. We are having a LastName family reunion with 4 different families! Ooh, and the South Korean exchange student whose name is Bonny. YEP. I don't get it either. Bonny is a Korean name??

We are leaving Fri am to get there by after lunch. Brother/Sister in law are coming Friday night. Cousins/Aunt Biddy are coming Saturday after lunch. We are leaving Sunday morning as early as I can possibly force it.

So I was promised that on Saturday we would do something, b/c last time we went to East Bumble we sat there for 3 days doing NOTHING. NOTHING. So hubby said oh sure, we can do Corning, or maybe the Grand Canyon of PA. Wow. Won't that be fun. But now, he says his mom has to stay home on Saturday to wait for the cousins. WTF? Why are we even going up there?

I am packing food for myself. It's actually a good thing they don't feed people since I'm on WW now. I want to bring liquor though. Would that be rude? Wait a second! Who cares if its rude!!!

No wireless though so you will all have to wait for the blow by blow till Sunday night or Monday at the latest. I'll bring paper and pen to take notes though!!


My new favorite numbers this week. Last week was Rosh Hashanah and we went to my mom's to eat yummy jewish food. Brisket, kreplach, stuffed cabbage. Challah. YUM. YUM. I tried to behave and stay on program. But really. Fresh Challah. The only way it could have been worse was if I made it myself. I am doing that for Hanukkah. And probably eating an entire loaf in 2 days.

So the next am was weigh in, and I wound up gaining .8 of a pound, which I was THRILLED. So this past week I was good for about 93% of the time. But there were 2 chinese buffets and 1 court jester this week so I was nervous.

So I go in this morning and get weighed and Denise says oh, you had a good week. So to me, that's like 3 or more lbs lost. She says 7.6 down. I think what the hell? I made her reweigh me. She's like yep, 7.6. I was flipping out. Who loses 7.6 pounds in one week????

So towards the end of the meeting when Toni asks if anyone is celebrating anything my arm shot straight up in the air and everyone started laughing. I was dying. It was so funny.

62.4 is the grand total. Wow. Amazing, no? I wore new jeans (with zippers!!!) and shoes and a shirt to work yesterday. Got so many compliments. I was floating on air.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

One more week till The Unit returns!

I can't wait. I'm looking forward to seeing Charlie again of course. But they are adding a girl to the unit. Which just sucks and will bring the show down to a soap opera level in my mind. So I'll DVR it and then fast foward over the non Charlie scenes.

Finished up another fan fic about Charlie and the boys. I was going to add 2 more small scenes at the end, but decided not to. It ends well and I just don't have the time really.

In addition to being class mom at school, team mom for the soccer team and secretary on the pto, I just became the den leader for Junior's cub scout group! yay! Plus I started selling Avon again. Just because I love the products. Oh, and I'm still selling scrapbooks too.

So...I'm a tad busy!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

God I suck don't I?

I've been ignoring the crap out of my blog. I suck. So sorry.

Junior went back to school. Every day after school he has a complete and utter meltdown when we leave the playground. Hubby keeps saying he did it last year for the first 2 weeks. Ugh, I hope he gets acclimated soon. Teacher seems nice. I am still voraciously campaigning to be class mom. All the moms want me to be! Well, at least 5 of them told me so at the birthday party last week. I told them to tell the teacher. I've already bought stuff for the halloween goody bags. I love halloween, what can I say? Oh, and he's doing soccer. LOVE, love, love the coaches. I already bought halloween stuff for the team too.

Speaking of the birthday party, we did a Star Wars theme! Lego Star Wars of course. Got the tee shirt and matching cake image from febay. So freaking cute, everyone loved them, I do it every year for our theme. Here's a non identifying picture:

Currently working on getting the bitchy ass manager over at CVS fired. She refused to take an expired ECB, after the (new) cashier already took 3 expired ECBs and CRTs. WTF? I said fine, returned the items and walked out the door. Called 1-800-Shop-CVS and complained. I'm still waiting for the district manager to call me. Hey BOB, call me already. Hubby keeps asking if I got her fired yet.

So I went to Walgreens too. Great deal on Tylenol PM. Which, I eat like candy. So let's see, the 24 caplet count package retails for $5.49, and W put it on sale for $3.49, great price, right? Maybe for some. Not me. This week, there was also an Easy Saver Rebate instant coupon for $1 off. So, that brings it down to $2.49 per box! Still too pricey for moi!! Last week, there were $2 off any Tylenol coupon in the Smart Source coupon pack. I got my hands on 5 of them. So I bought FIVE boxes of Tylenol for $2.50 TOTAL.

Whew! Even impressed myself. That's going into the Bargains scrapbook. Which I still need to get started on. Here's a pic to tide you over:

Friday, August 29, 2008

Yum, cake!

Got this link in an email the other day and I laughed my ass off! Some of those cakes are hysterical!! Plus, she writes wonderfully and she's funny as hell. I'm sure we'd get along fabulously in real life.

Cake Wrecks

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!

I'm officially the big 4-0! Yay for me! I have to say, I'm perfectly content right now in my life. I didn't dread turning 40 at all. I am at a good place in life right now.

In WW news, I'm holding steady at 50.4lbs down since January. I have been gaining/losing the same 3-5 lbs since the end of July and I'm okay with that, really. Junior goes back to school next week and my routine will fall back into place and I hope to lose another 25-35lbs by December.

I'm jazzing up the blog, love the colors now! I hope to add some pictures and cute widgets soon. Have to find some time.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Freebie of the Day - paper samples
Not sure if there is a shipping charge, but this looks like a great deal!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Wisconsin News of the Day

Have I told you people about my Wisconsin theory? It's the epicenter of all evil in the universe. Seriously. I have proof. I'll expound on it later, but first. Here's the Wisconsin News of the Day. I was just on the fox news website and I saw this headline "Man Accused for Shooting Lawn Mower for Not Starting". I read it outloud to my husband, then said "I bet it was in WI" and clicked on the link. Ta-dah! Who called it baby?!

WI News of the Day

Sunday, July 20, 2008

My new Favorite place

I just found out about Etsy. LOVE it. I've found some adorable stuff there, and there's tons of different shops to check out. If you are going to sign up, please use my referral link. And don't forget to "heart" me!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

I thought this was hilarious

Ever wondered what happens when Hallmark writers are having a bad day........

Looking back over the years
that we've been together,
I can't help but wonder...
'What the hell was I thinking?'

Congratulations on your wedding day!
Too bad no one likes your husband.

How could two people as beautiful as you
Have such an ugly baby?

I've always wanted to have
someone to hold,
someone to love.
After having met you ..
I've changed my mind.

I must admit, you brought Religion into my life.
I never believed in Hell until I met you.

As the days go by, I think of how lucky I am...
That you're not here to ruin it for me.

Happy Birthday, Uncle Dad!
(Available only in Tennessee, Kentucky & West Virginia)

Happy Birthday! You look great for your age.
Almost Lifelike!

When we were together,
you always said you'd die for me.
Now that we've broken up,
I think it's time you kept your promise.


We have been friends for a very long time ..
let's say we stop?


I'm so miserable without you
it's almost like you're here.

Congratulations on your new bundle of joy.
Did you ever find out who the father was?

Thursday, July 17, 2008

WW update

52 lbs down! Yay for me!!! I bought new sandals to celebrate. Very cute, bronzey. $8 at Payless.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Becky Higgins smacks down Wal Mart Shoppers!!

Ok, get this. In the August 2008 issue of Creating Keepsakes, page 80, there is a layout by Becky Higgins. One of the grand dames of CK scrapping. It's a layout based on what she will miss and what she won't miss when she moved from Ohio to whereever. So, let's check out the What she won't miss section, on the right hand side of the layout. 3rd down from the top, let's read it all together now, shall we?

"quality parenting witnessed at WalMart"

She even put quality in quotes!!!! Ok, so how brillaint is Becky Higgins? Um, do you always insult people when you publish your layouts? I am guessing yes. Now granted, I actually agree with her somewhat. The WalMarts around here aren't known for being bastions of intellectual display.

However - I am not a published scrapbooker in a freaking national magazine!

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Day Of

Ok, so. We get to the church about an hour early. I'm polite, I'm chatty, I'm warm and affectionate. Groom hugs me and says thank you so much for coming, etc. Score one for his side. The little boy was ADORABLE. He looked so cute in his tuxedo, he smiled perfectly the whole time and he was just wonderful. The ceremony was nice, very religious, pretty music, candle lighting, etc.

Bitchy Comment #1: For the last 6 months, all we've heard is how beautiful her wedding dress will be. She gushed how it was a designer original, one of a kind, so expensive but she got it so cheap because it was a walkway model, etc. She wouldn't tell anyone what it looked like, just that it would blow everyone away, etc etc. Um. It looked like a cotton eyelet tablecloth. Seriously. So didn't live up to the hype. MIL made Junior's ring bearer pillow out of her wedding gown scraps (after tailoring) when she showed it to the Groom, he actually told MIL he could tell she made it out of her kitchen curtains which were the same pattern. FUNNY!!

End of ceremony, junior waited so patiently for the pastor to give him the signal to walk up and he stuck his arm out so perfectly for the flower girl to link her arm in his his, it was SO cute!! So we did the receiving line, I kissed, I said congrats, so wonderful, you are beautiful. You know the usual. She was funny, her first thing out of her mouth to me was, omg, your dress is beautiful.

Sidenote comment #1: I looked good. I lost about 10lbs since I tried the dress on last month and it fit better. Plus I ripped out the shoulder pads. I looked really good, quite a few strangers told me what a beautiful dress it was! Yay!!!!

Ok, so we did pictures in the church. Very nice, but the photog was just not my cup of tea. Took a long time. It started to rain. She started to go to pieces. We were getting very close to the reception time of 5:30. So we all drove over to the place - very nice garden area with a whole series of buildings - hotels, restaurants, etc. It's a culinary institute. Very pretty place. We started doing family pics.

Bitchy Comment #2: Groom's family was about 12 people total. Nobody told his aunt/uncle, cousins and their families to come out for pictures. So time was wasted searching for them. Then the bride started barking out orders to everyone to hurry up, but didn't bother to let anyone know who she wanted in the pictures. I was holding my tongue SO well. Even hubby complimented me on my decorum. Best part of the family picture time: she kicked out the baby daddy of one of the groom's cousins! L & W have been together for like 3 years, they live together and are expecting a baby in September. Niiiice! Even the groom told her to knock it off. I missed this whole exchange though!!!!! I don't know where I was - everyone told me about it later.

Let's talk cocktail hour, or the lack thereof! I saw 2 waiters come over with small trays of food and they stood there watching us. Well, you all know how shy I am right? I walked right over and started eating the shrimp. I would have eaten the whole platter if I knew then there was no cocktail hour. By the time we went in to the reception center (before the pics were even done!) there was no food out. Junior was crying and starving. I went to the kitchen and asked politely for a plate of cheese/crackers and a plate of fruit. They were very nice, and we went to sit down so he could eat. But the bride's dad (who btw, looked and sounded like the late Michael Jeter) came over to bring junior out to the lobby, to walk in with the bridal party.

Well, he had a minor meltdown b/c he was hungry! I had brought him a bagel to eat right before the ceremony at 2pm. But now it was 5:30 and he wanted to sit down and eat his fruit and cheese, so he was crying and very upset. Bride had a puss on her face. I could have cared less. I was polite, and told her mom and dad that we were just going to sit down. Her mom said, oh, Amy is okay with you bringing him back to the table. I bit my tongue. Thanks so much for permitting ME to take my crying, hungry 5 year old back to eat something. He was fine and dandy after he ate some food.

Ok. Well. What next. Oh, wait, how could I forget. Cash bar! Yep. Cash bar. Each table assignment card had a paper clip on it with a small piece of paper that said something like "good for one drink from the bar". Ok. Supposedly this is the norm in VT. I think its tacky as all shit. So I went to get a soda. Oh, wait! They were charging for SODA. WTF????? And then - just to top it all off - she had a tip jar out! I was dying. Um, pay for your drinks and then give her a tip too? Martha Stewart would have dropped dead in her tracks. (oh, I suppose this could qualify as Bitchy comment #3)

Unbeknownst to me, the plan for the bridal party was that immediately after dinner they would leave the reception and go outside to take pictures. The food came out rather quickly. A salad. Bread. Then the main dish wish was a small piece of undercooked meat and a small piece of overcooked chicken. Along with 3 small halves of red potatoes, 3 green beans and 4 tiny carrots. It sucked. Big time. So, now its about 6:30 and the wedding party leaves. Half of the guests were also leaving to walk around the grounds b/c nothing was going on at the wedding! Seriously, the DJ sucked. Nobody was dancing. The bride/groom were gone. Booooooooooooooooooooring.

I sat outside with some cousins and we "discussed" the wedding and issues. Very entertaining. Oh, be back soon, but this should tide you all over for now.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

SA in VT, Day 3 - MAJOR ISSUE!


I've been teaching Junior to say "Margarita please" so he can get me drinks.

Here's my journaling for my future scrapbook page about this wedding fiasco:

Hotel: $435
Gas $500
Food & Drinks: $300
Being ignored and insulted at your brother in law's wedding: Priceless!!

I like it.

So I've been told that cash bar is norm for VT. I've been told that VT'ers are cold and unfriendly. Fine. What about social graces? Nobody raises their kids with mores and manners anymore?

Maybe I am overreacting to some minor offenses, but you know what? I'm noticing EVERY last little thing due to the initial insult Th night. And then the RD just compounded everything.

Hubby just walked out the room to go for a walk, because he's getting antsy about everything. I yelled out after him "well, at least you can drink at the wedding!". I think this is hysterical. Not even the wedding party spouses can drink. Just the bridal party. Oh, and my 5 year old.

I think I'm going to catch a ride after the church to the reception with someone because I really don't want to be in any wedding pics at this point. Oh, wait. I probably won't be anyway. Remember, in the agenda, the bride stated she wanted ONE picture of me, hubby and junior together. That probably means no pics for me!!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Sucky Adventures in VT, Day 2

AKA: The Rehearsal Dinner

Wow. I'm working from notes I made at the church during the rehearsal. I'm exhausted so forgive the rambling. We met everyone at the italian restaurant. Bride and groom didn't say one freaking word to me or my husband! Nice! Nobody bothered to introduce us to any of the other people there, ie. bride's relatives and the rest of the bridal party. One of the bridesmaids asked if hubby was one of the groom's brothers! Have to give hubby props, he answered well: "As far as I know, I'm the only brother."

Just as an added treat, our dinners came out dead last!!!! I could not make this up people. Oh, and I had to pay for my own wine - plus no freaking dessert. Props to hubby again for something - he was talking to his mom and she mentioned one of the bride's relatives, then asked if we had met them. Hubby said, nope, nobody bothered to introduce us to anyone.

So, after that most assuredly lamest RD ever, we went to the church. Nice place, big, airy, very pretty, lots of plants. Still not one word of hello, how are you, so nice to see you, thanks so much for driving 8 hours up for our wedding! I find out that one of the bridesmaids is actually staying over at the bride's parents house! So, she was at dinner last night with everyone except us! Isn't that just superb?

I did learn one positive thing that I was scared about - I'm sitting in the front pew with hubby's mom/stepfather. So, I'm happy about that. So they practice the ceremony and such. I sit in a pew, writing my notes. At one point, I hear the bride talking to junior in the hallway. She was being sweet and nice, prepping him for tomorrow. Fine. Dandy. I got in my one PA shot when they did another runthrough of the ceremony. Everyone stood up to watch her come down the aisle and I sat on my slightly less fatter ass and ignored her.

So, about 8pm, I'm in the hallway and she finally walks past me and says something to me. Verbatim: Lisa, can you make sure to remind junior to walk slow tomorrow? I tried so hard not laugh in her face.

So then they are having punch and cookies. And groom is talking to hubby and junior, fine. Hubby's mother tries to introduce me to someone, I told her to stop. I said, its not your place to introduce us to people. Finally the bride's mom walked over to introduce herself to me. She even thanked me for doing so much for the bride, the scrapbook, the album, etc. Her hubby was chatting to my hubby and made minor small talk to me.

So then the guys all went out for a few beers. And the girls all went out with the bride. Of course, I wasn't invited, but the 16 year old sil was! Now, granted, I know I have the boy. But guess what? I could have left him with his grandmother for one hour (not a chance in hell I would have actually done that, but still).

Wedding is tomorrow. I'll be polite. But let me tell you, I'm done with them. This "issue" is going to have lasting repercussions on my part. I will be totally polite any time I see her but it will be a totally fake thing. And hubby knows it.

Let's see if brother in law ever bothers to apologize to me. And there's no way in hell I'm going out with them when they get back from their honeymoon.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Addendum to Day 1!!!!

MAJOR UPDATE: Hubby came home, we put the boy to bed. Cracked open a couple George Killians and then he tells me that his brother called him. Brother profusely apologized, said he screwed up, he's sorry, he's just been so busy this week with all the last minute wedding things and he had a brain fart. Right.

He asked about me, hubby said I was really upset and that he should call me after the wedding to apologize. Brother said they would take us out for dinner after they came back from honeymoon. I could care less about the food or the money. Really. I just want an apology from BOTH of them.

Because, truth be told, we all know men are stupid. Especially about wedding etiquette and such. But the fiance? She should have smacked him around and said, how the hell are you not inviting your brother and his family? So. I'm still pissed.

Hubby thinks his mom told brother today at dinner how upset we were. But his mom didn't discuss it with him today. Par for the course in that family.

Sucky Adventures in VT, Day 1

We left at 10:15 and got here by like 5:30ish. Not bad. Some random thoughts. Everything smells like cow shit. We drove through farmland for about 1.5 hours. Very pretty, looked like Amish country. Lots of silos, cows, horses. Even some goats. Then I saw a camel. Seriously. Yep, a camel. Like from the desert. Junior was laughing. I kept telling hubby, look a camel. He's all no way, there's no camels in VT, what are you smoking. I kept saying, look, look. He finally looks. We all went nuts laughing. Some VT farmer has a camel in with his cows. It's so funny!

So! Since we weren't invited (with the rest of the family)to dinner at the bride's parents house, we had to find a place to eat. We drove around for an additional 35 minutes because Darth Vader (hubby's GPS's voice) kept saying there were tons of restaurants in 2-3 miles. Well, don't give up your day job JEJ, we couldn't find anything. Finally, hubby asks me what I want to eat. I roll my eyes and ask him what his family was eating for dinner. Yes. I am a bitch. I can't stop commenting on the RUDENESS that is his family.

Plus I get pissy when I'm hungry. I mean seriously, does he not remember I have blood sugar issues! So, we ate dinner (70 freaking dollars we could have saved, had we been invited to dinner) and came back to the hotel to swim. Around 9:30 his mommy calls and says they are on their way back to the hotel from the bride's parents house. Isn't that sweet?

So he took the boy down the hall to say hello. I am in the room blogging about how much I can't stand his family. I can't wait to find out if his mom says anything. I don't think she told BIL and fiance that we are pissed off. Because BIL would have called hubby with a flimsy weak excuse.

Tomorrow we are sight seeing in the morn, then have the RD at 4:30. My plan is to ignore the bride and groom as much as possible and let them have a nice weekend. Because if they come near me, I won't be responsible for my actions. I told hubby this, and he fully understands. I also told him that if his mom or bil ask him about the 'issue', he is to us the policy line: "my wife and I are both insulted" because if he doesn't and he throws me under the bus, he's never getting laid again. And he knows me well enough by now to know I mean it.

Stay tuned for Sucky Adventures in VT, Day 2!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

ooh, small update!

There's free wireless at the hotel, so the laptop is being packed in my hot pink with white polka dotted laptop case. You will all get daily updates of the impending torturous weekend.

Stay tuned. Oh, and if you can spell torturous better then me, let me know. Thanks.

And so it begins!!

Get this: The wedding is Saturday. We (me, hubby and junior) are driving up tomorrow - Thursday. MIL, her hubby and the teenage SIL are driving up tomorrow as well. The bride's parents invited MIL and family over for dinner tomorrow night. We (the groom's brother and family) were not invited over. We are the only family members of the groom who are coming in on Thursday. I am LIVID. I think the bride's family should have invited us over as well. Hubby thinks I'm overreacting. Well, tough shit. He's being slighted - as per usual. BIL is the golden haired child and my husband is the black sheep. I am super pissed.

Update: I called MIL. Now, you know its got to be bad if I willingly called my mother in law. She said she didn't know why we weren't invited, but maybe the bride's parents didn't realize we would be in VT on Thursday. I agreed that maybe that was the case, but the groom, MY HUSBAND'S BROTHER knew we were coming up and he should have said something.

Who am I kidding. This is the guy that had us over for Easter with no snacks. Oh, I miss that post. Don't you all?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

So, last week at CVS

I went in with my lists and my coupons and I attempted to purchase several items that were on sale in the circular and generating ECBs. Well, the cashier (S) saw my coupons for shaving gel and said he needed to check with the manager. Ok. A few minutes later he comes up and says, oh, we can't take these. I ask him why. He says because the manager said so. Uh-huh. I explained that answer won't work for me and he calls the manager to the front. Let's call her B.

B takes one look at the coupons (all internet printed) and tells me they look fake. I was so shocked, I asked her if she was insuinating I created fake coupons, because that was very insulting. She says no, maybe I didn't create them but they look fake and she won't accept them. I ask her why they look fake and she can't give me an answer. She just hemmed and hawed and then said that management doesn't have to take any coupons they don't want too. Right.

I left my items on the counter and went to my car in the parking lot. I then dialed the magic number! 1-800-SHOP-CVS!

I spoke with a very nice midwestern lady who was completely and utterly shocked that the MANAGER didn't even bother to swipe the coupons and just flat out refused to accept them. We chatted for a few more mins, then she put me on hold to call B, and then the district manager.

How many times do you think I asked out loud : Who the fuck does she think she's messing with? So the customer service lady came back and told me she just spoke to B, who admitted that she didn't swipe the coupons. This part is funny. Then she says, B wasn't very nice at all. I was cracking up. So she told me to wait a few minutes and go back to purchase my items. I told her I would call her if I had any additional problems.

I called hubby while waiting the few mins and he was cracking up. He likes when I get all riled up. I think it turns him on. So I go back inside and walk brazenly over to S. I tell him I'm here to get my items. He glares at me without saying a word and rings me up. I wordlessly hand him my coupons, one at a time. I purchased 3 razors, 2 shaving gels, some gum and 2 body washes. My total came to 25 cents. After he handed me my receipt I cheerfully wished him a good day!

I mean really, when will these people learn?

And we're back!

Hola people! Due to some unforseen minor circumstances, the blog was down. But I have triumphantly returned.

Just in time for:

The wedding from hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!