Monday, November 10, 2008

So, here's a new pic of my boyfriend!

Or, as some friends like to call him, my stalkee. God I love him. Look at him. He's utterly gorgeous. My hubby likes to call him a mongoloid. He's so rude isn't he? I think its just the jealousy.

Anyway! Meet Michael Irby. Star of The Unit on CBS Sunday nights at 10pm. You all watch right?

He also appears nightly in my dreams. Ooh la la! And he's my muse of course, inspiring me to write not just one, but two, count them - TWO - fan fics. Which (natch) were very well received.

Isn't he gorgeous? Fun trivia fact: his birthday is the day before my husband's. Hey, what can I say, I love Scorpios!


KathyRuddy said...

Hey Lisa

My Dave is a Scorpio too!

Kathy Ruddy

angel said...

Photo Credit: Angel :-)

Glad you like the picture. If any shot of Michael Irby is going to make me swear off Max's this one.

Lisa said...

YES, thank you Angel!!! LOVE this one! Have I mentioned that???

Kathy - that's so funny! I'm telling you, Scorpios are the best!

angel said...

Oh Lisa: I got another hot as heck shot of Irby on this weeks episode. The man is just amazing this season!!!!!!!

On a total side note, there I am reading that you dream of him at night and I am thinking to myself, what a dork. I wake up at 2AM last night because Mack is fighting with Ryan in my dream. One of those fight to the death things. I go to myself, maybe Lisa isn't a dork. lol

Lisa said...

See! Angel! I'm telling you, dreaming of them is a good thing. I can't wait for a new Irby centric episode. I've been watching them online Tues ams.

angel said...

Here's your sweety getting married...