Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Bullshit is starting already.

So, we just walked in the door from dinner with my parents. We are packing for the weekend trip to hell. You should see the snacks I packed!! Anyway, my brother in law calls my husband to tell him that he and his wife (remember, they are the newlyweds) don't want to go to Corning on Saturday. So I'm like, wtf, they plan on staying at the house on sat? Yep. They plan on hanging out all freaking day at my mother in law's house. I flat out told my husband there was no way in hell I was spending the entire day at the house with them.

I don't spend entire days at my house, why would I want to do it on a trip? It's freaking pathetic. My husband is like, oh we can just hang out at my mother's house with them. I refuse. I told him this months ago, I was promised we would go out and do something.

He just came over here to put me on the phone with his mother. To talk about the grand canyon of pennsylvania. It's a gorge. Big whoop. With a zoo. I bet there's 5 animals tops.
