Addendum to Day 1!!!!
MAJOR UPDATE: Hubby came home, we put the boy to bed. Cracked open a couple George Killians and then he tells me that his brother called him. Brother profusely apologized, said he screwed up, he's sorry, he's just been so busy this week with all the last minute wedding things and he had a brain fart. Right.
He asked about me, hubby said I was really upset and that he should call me after the wedding to apologize. Brother said they would take us out for dinner after they came back from honeymoon. I could care less about the food or the money. Really. I just want an apology from BOTH of them.
Because, truth be told, we all know men are stupid. Especially about wedding etiquette and such. But the fiance? She should have smacked him around and said, how the hell are you not inviting your brother and his family? So. I'm still pissed.
Hubby thinks his mom told brother today at dinner how upset we were. But his mom didn't discuss it with him today. Par for the course in that family.
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