Thursday, September 25, 2008

One more week till The Unit returns!

I can't wait. I'm looking forward to seeing Charlie again of course. But they are adding a girl to the unit. Which just sucks and will bring the show down to a soap opera level in my mind. So I'll DVR it and then fast foward over the non Charlie scenes.

Finished up another fan fic about Charlie and the boys. I was going to add 2 more small scenes at the end, but decided not to. It ends well and I just don't have the time really.

In addition to being class mom at school, team mom for the soccer team and secretary on the pto, I just became the den leader for Junior's cub scout group! yay! Plus I started selling Avon again. Just because I love the products. Oh, and I'm still selling scrapbooks too.

So...I'm a tad busy!


CindyLV said...

Hi Lisa,

Since you love Charlie so much, I posted a thread on Midnight's board with about 8 or 9 quality Charlie shots just for you!

;* D

Cindy LV

Heather said...

Just dropping by to say hi! Hi! LOL

Lisa said...

Cindy darling, I saw them and drooled appropriately!!!!